Monday, September 16, 2013

What kinda "Artist" are you?

Hello again! 

Being a Make-Up artist is my passion! I have finally found the career I want to wake up to everyday. Not many people get to realize their dreams and actually live them. So now, on to the more complex issue, what kind of Make-Up Artist do I want to be? 

Do I want to be a "Beat Face" Artist? This is the most popular type of MUA in the public now. It is the very creative, bold, outgoing artists who aren’t afraid to take risk. I worry though; will this type of artistry transcend time? Will this type of artistry be relevant in 10 years?
(@beatfacehoney on IG. I absolutely love her work)

Maybe I want to be a "Bridal" Artist. This type of artistry is very soft, pretty, classic makeup that will look beautiful for years to come. But is it too safe? Will it test my creative abilities? 

I have always loved the "Editorial" Artist. Now this is the HIGH fashion, totally out the box, inventive artist. I could start trends, be featured in fashion magazines or runway shows. But am I THAT creative? Could I step outside of what I know to explore the unexplored? 

I DO NOT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

And that's ok. We as beginning MUA's can explore our many options and chose which lane we want to be in, or chose not to be in a lane at all. I am so excited to try different artistry avenues and figure out what my niche will be. 

One thing I know for sure, I will not be a one lane artist. I want to dibble and dab in many different things and be amazing at them all. So for now, I will PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. 

Where do you want to fit in with the MUA world? Do you want to fit in? 

Talk to me! 

Till next time.... *SMOOCHES*

(None of these pictures are my work, you probably knew that, but just for the record.)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Do's and Don'ts: Eyebrow Edition

Hello there! 

Today I want to talk a bit about your eyebrows! More specifically, what the correct and incorrect strategies there are to sculpting your brows.

Shaping the brows has been the hardest thing for me to grasp, but I have learned a lot, and wanted to share some of that knowledge with you! 

Lets start with my top 2 DON'Ts! 

1. NEVER USE BLACK!!!!!!!!!! This is a common misconception when filling brows. Black is WAY too harsh, and never compliments any brow. Always use a shade of brown, depending on your natural hair color. 

2. EASE UP ON THE CONCEALER! Yes, concealer does help to shape brows when you are in between waxing/tweezing but you have to BLEND!   Use a concealer one shade lighter than your complexion, then use a concealer that is your natural shade to blend into your eyelid. 

Now onto the DO's! 

1. Always follow the natural shape of your eyebrows. Your eyebrows were created to fit your face, changing that change the whole shape of your face. 

2. Use a wax pencil, this helps keep the brow in place all day and also helps you keep the true shape of your brow. 

Your brows can make or break your face. Make sure you take good care of them!! 

Hope this helps!! Any questions? Leave a comment!