Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Better late than never, but never late is better"

Hello All,


First off, I have to apologize for such a long break. I have neglected my readers and left you wondering WTH!?! I have to admit, I suddenly became jaded with my blog. Mostly due to my lack of confidence in my ability to maintain your attention. In these last couple of months I have been able to really look into myself to see what my insecurities are, and face them head on. In my hiatus, I have found a new sense of what I have to offer the beauty world and you, my reader.

This post is simply a return to work notification. I will be posting at least one blog EVERY week. I need  for you to hold me accountable; email, Instagram, Facebook, HOWEVER you need to reach me, reach me.

Like everything else in my life, I had to find out that this blog will not become successful with half of my attention. Idea's will not just come come to me, I have to search for them. Here are a couple things I have thought up so far:

1. Well Known MUA interviews
2. Product reviews
3. Face for the occasion
4. My favorite faces of the week
5. Q & A from my readers

And much, much more. I have to thank you for coming and reading my little ol' blog, one day you will get to say "I was there when she first come back" lol.

Here's to US!!


IG: mandapanda_23
Facebook: Manda B.